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563 :マドモアゼル名無しさん:2016/05/15(日) 19:32:29.61 ID:878ASuoA.net
Pisces Weekly Sunday 15th May 2016

In partnership, and possibly thanks to the support and assistance of those born under the sign of Taurus, you could achieve much.
This will surely require considerable moving around and perhaps many short journeys.
The fact that there is so much action, and that you are required to multitask should be pleasing.
The cosmic weather is set to change as of Thursday however.
It's then that miscommunications could result in increased tension.
Saturday's Full Moon coincides with the Sun's opposition to Mars and within hours, of Mercury's station and difficult aspects involving both Saturn and Pluto.
This could yet prove crunch time at many levels.
If not directly affected by property change, it may be that as neighbours move out, you are required to deal with high levels of waste.
It's quite possible too, that either because a colleague chooses this weekend to leave their post or because someone throws a temper tantrum,
that over the weekend you will be left with the feeling that many pieces will have to be picked up next week.

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