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397 :マドモアゼル名無しさん:2019/01/06(日) 14:27:04.36 ID:6pVsdUWe0.net
Pisces Weekly Sunday 6th January 2019

Not only are we now between eclipses when behavioural patterns tend to change, but Venus has now arrived at the very apex of your solar chart.
It would be unsurprising if you found something that you were completely passionate about (including a partnership)
and determined even as early as by the weekend to get started.
Others may be surprised by just how far you're able to take things.
Your preplanning and even a strategy (a word not often used with Pisces) could truly come into play.
It would be as well to bear in mind that as you make adjustments in your thinking, that others are doing the same.
Though this could indeed be pleasing and lead to a promising new partnership.
be aware that until the Lunar Eclipse on January 21 all is far from settled.

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