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407 :マドモアゼル名無しさん :2019/01/10(木) 00:29:23.10 ID:C8+4CJh30.net
Starcast for the week beginning January 9th, 2019
You may be the sign of the dreamer, and that will never change, but you are feeling more determined as ever
to build something of your making here on planet Earth. An array of Capricorn energy fills your house of
innovation, along with the recent New Moon Eclipse that will set the energetic stage for the next six months.
You are committed and more determined as ever as Loving Venus in Sagittarius in your house of the public
self is forming a compelling angle of support to action Mars in Aries for the next two weeks, granting you
plenty of drive to kick something that you deeply desire into fourth gear. Practical Mercury is also in earth
sign Capricorn and plugs himself into your ruler Neptune to help you work on all steps that lead to the dream.
Your mind will be a powerful influencer this week so take that vision as high as your thoughts can fly.
Make sure the dream is a stretch but reality based at the same time.

If you strike this balance, it is within your grasp!

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