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416 :マドモアゼル名無しさん:2019/01/12(土) 22:21:42.90 ID:E7brirYU0.net
For January 12-18, 2019
Image: "Gently floating on a glacial lake, a single red rose"
Message: Sensual moments.

Lovers or long term friends may be particularly expressive this week.
Over the next few weeks social interest and romantic attraction are on the rise: expect both friends and romantic partners to boldly state their feelings and short term emotional plans.
Some Pisceans, especially those born between 1972 and 1986, may also experience a profound deepening of a romantic relationship.
Before the end of January expect committed passion and renewed physical attraction: for the next few weeks basis emotions and deeply felt loyalties will be a continuing theme.
Wednesday through Friday avoid extra home activities or family events, if at all possible.
Although home relations are positive, loved ones may now be subtly critical or quick to make judgements: avoid unproductive family dynamics.

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