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422 :マドモアゼル名無しさん:2019/01/13(日) 23:27:41.80 ID:gj2mCKvH0.net
Pisces Weekly Sunday 13th January 2019

Bear in mind that we are now in that delicate period between a solar and lunar eclipse.
Feelings could yet run high.
It's entirely possible that you will be drawn into the heart of drama.
Knowing which way to turn - especially whilst the Moon crosses the base of your solar chart over Thursday Friday could be difficult.
You may find that you are pulled in several different directions.
What is clear is that others want to know exactly what stance you're going to take at an important for a meeting scheduled for next Monday.
Until that lunar eclipse is in the past, others might appear to act irrationally.
They may also be singularly demanding.
Uncomfortable as the process may be, by then, not only should you know where other people stand,
you may have a sense as to which groups you want to develop better ties with in 2019.

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