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CD/USB】PuppyLinux - 19匹め - 【軽量】

1 :login:Penguin:2017/03/11(土) 09:18:04.87 ID:V9g2M+4K.net
日本語サイト http://openlab.jp/puppylinux/
オンラインマニュアル http://puppylinux.org/main/Manual-English.htm (過去スレのはリンク切れ)
日本語フォーラム http://sakurapup.browserloadofcoolness.com/
Puppy Linux - Wikipedia http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puppy_Linux


【CD/USB】PuppyLinux - 18匹め - 【軽量】

630 :login:Penguin:2018/07/04(水) 20:53:46.57 ID:S6vq96+N.net

Posted: Thu 17 May 2018, at 09:00 Post subject: dear barry, you have virus

There is another culprit who is harassing Puppy Linux.
There are many errors intentionally made in the system, and some do not operate at high speed despite being
Puppy, and In the last 10 years, all Puppies released have been modified to make it impossible to use
GCC,ftp,and so many programs properly. any errors are not harmful for users. but SO MANY UNBELIEBABLE

I informed from the Japanese forum, but japanese forum author seems do not know the contact information of
Mr. Barry, I wrote it over here.

I download and check these,all released puppy is insane now, include easy pyro and so on.

631 :login:Penguin:2018/07/04(水) 20:56:28.16 ID:S6vq96+N.net
Posted: Fri 18 May 2018, at 07:11 Post subject: Please check my opinion wrong or right

All puppy has been remodefied to work properly ONLY AT THE FIRST BOOT.
But after installing program, save and rebooting, system is go crazy slightly at every time.

I already checked "insane puppy series" are over 50 in this forum.

This culprit include username Cu Chulinux and so on is always in this forum and writing this board everytime and day.
exactry, only FATDOG64 is allgreen condition.he is just only crazy.
this culprit has over 100 username!

Please contact YON.but don't use e-mail.

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