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1 :LOVE GUN:2016/11/20(日) 17:32:46.99 ID:m9KCF/dQ0.net
一般廃棄物 産業廃棄物
毎週 3回はお勤め。

2 :名無し:2016/11/24(木) 01:48:52.23 ID:i8Oq9xrL0.net

3 :名無し:2016/12/09(金) 16:51:54.72 ID:tP1uJXFL0.net
女帝 キング ワンマン 好き嫌い 

K君や Mさん 事務のYさんも、気の毒やったねぇ・・・

4 :わさき:2016/12/10(土) 15:06:41.45 ID:l80Wf6tk0.net
Uさん Kさん Mさん 歳やから体が一番やでぇ〜〜。

5 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2016/12/10(土) 15:17:42.92 ID:l80Wf6tk0.net
はまぐり もんぐり らんらんらーん!

6 :わさき:2016/12/12(月) 18:06:40.37 ID:kMRzYBya0.net

7 :名無し:2016/12/13(火) 14:30:31.75 ID:VqWtHWUT0.net
はまぐり君 うらやましい!!

8 :ななし:2016/12/17(土) 15:02:46.67 ID:auQs2uSE0.net
ううぅ たってきた。

9 :かわいそたに:2016/12/22(木) 18:49:57.90 ID:pqelce/b0.net
現場も知らんのに社長のお気に入りで ご出世おめでとうございます(笑)
キムは役職 本気で嫌がってるで。年明けには労基に言う。
今現在 労働組合を作ろうとしてるからね。
きつい 汚い 臭い 危険 週40時間労働の原則を知ってるんかな。
労基法では 就業規則は誰にでも見られる状況でないとあかんねんけど、知ってんのかな。
年末やからて 休みなしは 違法や。
労基 労基 労基!!
三津屋班 時間作って言ってきて!!!!!!!!!!!

10 :名無し:2017/01/08(日) 12:55:59.33 ID:GqUrnnZI0.net

11 :名無し:2017/01/15(日) 21:37:28.67 ID:HR3K3zkw0.net

12 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2017/01/26(木) 16:25:10.01 ID:05W4JyCf0.net


13 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2017/01/26(木) 16:25:39.66 ID:05W4JyCf0.net


14 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2017/02/21(火) 22:54:13.59 ID:gFqHAu8f0.net



15 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2017/04/18(火) 10:17:31.95 ID:+TAo38a30.net







npo法人 sta

16 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2018/02/18(日) 03:52:07.96 ID:gzXXmlpe0.net
グーグル検索⇒『金持ちになりたい 鎌野介メソッド』


17 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2018/10/04(木) 12:58:59.51 ID:w+Ymd0vW0.net


18 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2019/07/08(月) 13:11:48.07 ID:RrMd8+ur0.net

19 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/10/03(火) 17:25:22.13 ID:1pyVnuZ51
(羽田]ttps://www.call4.jp/info.phρ?tуpе=iтems&id=I0000062 , ttps://haneda-project.jimdofree.com/

20 :復興庁、:2023/10/23(月) 16:24:30.60
Carbon dioxide and carbon in coal-fired power plant stacks.
Carbon dioxide and carbon emitted from coal-fired power plant stacks.
Currently, carbon emissions from coal-fired power plant stacks can be technically reduced.
Emissions from coal-fired power plants can be technically reduced,
Currently, G.E.-designed toxics removal systems can be systemized to
reduce carbon emissions from coal stacks.
The U.S. government is working on nox removal systems.
The U.S. government is actively reducing its carbon footprint with G.E. technology.
The U.S. government is actively reducing carbon dioxide emissions with G.E.'s
nox removal system technology,
The U.S. is now also actively reducing its carbon footprint.
The U.S. government is aggressively and successfully reducing carbon dioxide emissions
 with G.E.'s nox removal system technology,
Other countries are also trying to reduce carbon emissions from coal stacks.
Several other countries are also working to reduce carbon emissions from coal stacks,
In recent years, China has also been reducing carbon dioxide emissions from coal stacks.
emissions are increasing,
Developing countries like China are likely to reduce carbon emissions from coal stacks.
emissions, developing countries still use coal as their chimneys.
In developing countries, chimney burning and fossil fuel-based electricity
generation methods still dominate,
Carbon emissions from coal chimneys are difficult to reduce in developing countries.
Carbon emissions from coal chimneys are difficult to reduce,
The U.S. is working with other countries to
The U.S. is working with other countries to set a goal to reduce coal carbon by 2050,
China has set a goal of reducing coal stack carbon emissions by the 2030s.
reductions in the 2030s,
This is a major challenge and goal for both the U.S. and Chinese governments,
Now, in recent years, the Euro and other Asian countries are also making such efforts,
Many other countries are also working on coal stack carbon reduction.
They have set goals to reduce coal stack carbon by 2050,
G.E. technology can reduce coal stack carbon to some extent.
reduction is now technically feasible,
This is for the 30 years through 2050,
Coal stack carbon will be reduced by 2050 in most countries.
Coal stack carbon will be reduced in most countries in the 30 years to 2050,
On the Issue of Coal Carbon Reduction Targets
The Paris Agreement is one of the most important agreements in the world,
Now we can choose other renewable energy sources,
The carbon in coal stacks will certainly be reduced.
We are in a state of improvement,
carbon in coal stacks,
The goal is to reduce coal stack carbon by 2050,
Coal stack carbon also
cause air pollution,
to environmental problems,
bad, but not good,
air pollution,
The future is a decarbonized era and society,
Decarbonization and low carbonization is a societal challenge,
The era of decarbonization and low carbon,
It is an era of carbon reduction by 2050, It is an era of carbon reduction by 2050,
It is an era of carbon reduction by 2050
U.S. government, Euro government, Euro government, Euro government
We must work with the U.S. government, the Euro government, and many other governments.
Let's reduce carbon in coal stacks,
Let's reduce carbon emissions
in energy issues,

21 :coal, energy issues,:2023/10/23(月) 16:24:58.57
Carbon dioxide and carbon in coal-fired power plant stacks.
Carbon dioxide and carbon emitted from coal-fired power plant stacks.
Currently, carbon emissions from coal-fired power plant stacks can be technically reduced.
Emissions from coal-fired power plants can be technically reduced,
Currently, G.E.-designed toxics removal systems can be systemized to
reduce carbon emissions from coal stacks.
The U.S. government is working on nox removal systems.
The U.S. government is actively reducing its carbon footprint with G.E. technology.
The U.S. government is actively reducing carbon dioxide emissions with G.E.'s
nox removal system technology,
The U.S. is now also actively reducing its carbon footprint.
The U.S. government is aggressively and successfully reducing carbon dioxide emissions
 with G.E.'s nox removal system technology,
Other countries are also trying to reduce carbon emissions from coal stacks.
Several other countries are also working to reduce carbon emissions from coal stacks,
In recent years, China has also been reducing carbon dioxide emissions from coal stacks.
emissions are increasing,
Developing countries like China are likely to reduce carbon emissions from coal stacks.
emissions, developing countries still use coal as their chimneys.
In developing countries, chimney burning and fossil fuel-based electricity
generation methods still dominate,
Carbon emissions from coal chimneys are difficult to reduce in developing countries.
Carbon emissions from coal chimneys are difficult to reduce,
The U.S. is working with other countries to
The U.S. is working with other countries to set a goal to reduce coal carbon by 2050,
China has set a goal of reducing coal stack carbon emissions by the 2030s.
reductions in the 2030s,
This is a major challenge and goal for both the U.S. and Chinese governments,
Now, in recent years, the Euro and other Asian countries are also making such efforts,
Many other countries are also working on coal stack carbon reduction.
They have set goals to reduce coal stack carbon by 2050,
G.E. technology can reduce coal stack carbon to some extent.
reduction is now technically feasible,
This is for the 30 years through 2050,
Coal stack carbon will be reduced by 2050 in most countries.
Coal stack carbon will be reduced in most countries in the 30 years to 2050,
On the Issue of Coal Carbon Reduction Targets
The Paris Agreement is one of the most important agreements in the world,
Now we can choose other renewable energy sources,
The carbon in coal stacks will certainly be reduced.
We are in a state of improvement,
carbon in coal stacks,
The goal is to reduce coal stack carbon by 2050,
Coal stack carbon also
cause air pollution,
to environmental problems,
bad, but not good,
air pollution,
The future is a decarbonized era and society,
Decarbonization and low carbonization is a societal challenge,
The era of decarbonization and low carbon,
It is an era of carbon reduction by 2050, It is an era of carbon reduction by 2050,
It is an era of carbon reduction by 2050
U.S. government, Euro government, Euro government, Euro government
We must work with the U.S. government, the Euro government, and many other governments.
Let's reduce carbon in coal stacks,
Let's reduce carbon emissions
in energy issues,

12 KB

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