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Korea "The Foolish Nation"

125 :Yoo:2011/10/29(土) 13:39:51.47 ID:2jqZJYmA.net
Holy cow, what the hell are japs barking?
I wonder why u hate korea.
U just attacked us first with no reason.
U don't understand what ur ancestors did.
oh I made mistake.
U don't want to understand what ur ancestors did to Asian people
What?, 사과하십시오?(it means 'say sorry')
U have to say it to all Asians instead ur ancestors.
Ur cruel soldiers killed a lot of Asian people for experimentation.
Poor Japs, ur school history textbooks are totally false.
And u are just talking unreasonable stuff.
Look at the German people, they said sorry to all Europeans.
And they say "We know that we were wrong. We don't like Nazi."
But u say "Japan is the best country in Asia. Other asians are monkey."
Do u feel shame about it? why not?
Japs, U are suck.

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