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【速報】 BABYMETAL、メタル四天王との共演制覇&米・英国の再LIVEでメタル界をまた引っ掻き回す [288396274]

725 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です:2014/08/19(火) 02:18:27.96 ID:NI/UI/Ux0.net
412 名無しさんのみボーナストラック収録 2014/08/09 20:46 ID:sUa6Mv3g0.net


I'm not suggesting that SU-METAL sounds horrible she certainly does not but she's NOT a very talented vocalist, she's got no range, a pretty standard (and easy to replicate.) tone...and can't produce vibrato....like at all.

I hate to say it but she's a less advanced vocalist than even Justin Bieber is........I think you need to take your fanboy glasses off and see her for what she is.

For example, I love Jari Maenpaa as a vocalist....but I'd NEVER suggest his clean singing was on par with a Classical vocalist who's been training soley on clean singing for more than a decade...and in some cases more.

I'm not suggesting 'Su-metal' CAN'T IMPROVE, perhaps with time she might actually become a quite talented vocalist but right now (as pleasing as you could argue she sounds.)

she's actually just VERY average. Listening to her I definitely don't feel that I'm listening to a vocalist who's trained their voice for any extended period of time

443 名無しさんのみボーナストラック収録 2014/08/09 21:10 ID:rEDa+r0i0.net


俺はJari Maenpaaというボーカリストが好きなんだけど、でも彼をクラシックのボーカリストや彼女と比べようとは思わない

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