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North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has leg injury: source
Fri, Oct 10 20:34 PM EDT

BEIJING/SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is in firm control of his government but hurt his leg taking part in a military drill,
a source with access to the secretive North's leadership said, playing down speculation over the 31-year-old's health and grip on power in the nuclear-capable nation.

North Korea's state media, which usually chronicle Kim's activities in great detail,
have not mentioned any public appearances since he attended a concert with his wife on Sept.
3 and the official KCNA news agency indicated he did not attend an important political anniversary on Friday.

In the previous two years, Kim marked the anniversary of the founding of North Korea's Workers' Party with a post-midnight visit to the Pyongyang
mausoleum where the bodies of his father and grandfather are interred.

But the report by KCNA did not mention Kim's name in a list of high-level party and military officials who attended an event at the mausoleum on Friday.
A flower basket from Kim was placed at the mausoleum, it said.

The source with access to the North's leadership, who has close ties to Pyongyang and Beijing, said on Thursday that Kim
had hurt his leg while inspecting military exercises.

"He ordered all the generals to take part in drills and he took part too. They were crawling and running and rolling around,
and he pulled a tendon," the source told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

"He injured his ankle and knee around late August or early September while drilling because he is overweight.
He limped around in the beginning but the injury worsened," the source said.

Kim, who has rapidly gained weight since coming to

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