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”おなかがすいた”28歳男、民家に忍び込んで冷凍庫にあったクッキー生地を食べる  [転載禁止]©2ch.net [311660226]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ):2014/11/09(日) 01:13:04.83 ID:iRMOvLmj0.net ?2BP(1000)


A 52-year-old woman caught a burglar in her Wichita home on Thursday eating cookie dough that
he took from her freezer.
The Wichita Eagle reports that the woman was awakened from her sleep after hearing a lot of commotion
in her home. She left her bedroom around 3:30 AM Thursday morning in order to see what was causing all
of the commotion. The report states that is when the woman saw a stranger in her home, eating cookie
dough that he had taken from the refrigerator freezer in her kitchen. Local police were called to the scene of
the incident, located in South Wichita, and confronted the intruder directly.
Lieutenant James Espinoza, the official spokesman for the Wichita Police, explained exactly what the suspected
burglar told the police in regards to why he was inside of the woman’s house.
“The suspect told police he believed it to be his aunt’s house and he was hungry… so he went to the freezer.”


49 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です:2014/11/09(日) 13:48:43.09 ID:C84Y2q6d0.net

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