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スウェーデン人「ドイツは70年間全方向に謝罪し続けた。これが嫌われ国家の日本との違い」 [転載禁止]©2ch.net [361461932]

454 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です:2014/11/24(月) 15:15:50.35 ID:7rObduQa0.net

Asia/Pacific Views of Japan
Perceptions of Japan in the Asia/Pacific region are mixed.
About half or more of the publics in five of seven Asia/Pacific nations surveyed have a favorable view of Japan, most strongly so.
Eight-in-ten Malaysians and nearly as many Indonesians (79%), Australians (78%) and Filipinos (78%) see Japan in a positive light.
However, anti-Japan sentiment is quite strong in China, where 90% of the public has an unfavorable opinion of Japan, and in South Korea (77% unfavorable).


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