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【英文拡散希望】 日 本 人 ガ チ で 差 別 主 義 者 だ っ た !【英文拡散希望】 [687863318]

49 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です:2015/02/14(土) 11:40:33.12 ID:arpdMeee0.net
Ayako Sono, a novelist, was a member of the Education Rebuilding Implementation Council
that is a government panel.
" Don't claim Human Rights. "
" We can expand immigration. But we should introduce Apartheid. "

*The Council was established to reform school moral education,
for the purpose to cultivate patriotic spirit and to evaluate children's moral.
Moreover, on the new moral textbook, she is presented as one of moralistic great persons.

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