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頭皮の全てを虫に食われ頭蓋骨が露出しながら生活してるオッサンの動画が凄すぎる [747664171]

290 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です:2015/05/23(土) 00:23:40.99 ID:doU0QIvq0.net
About maggot therapy:
Necrotic (dying) tissue often needs to be debrided (removed). A simple way to do this is cut out the dead tissue, which generally requires the removal of healthy tissue, just to be sure it's all removed
The problem is sometimes necrotic tissue never stops spreading itseelf. Like Ice-nine, it spreads and spreads, and unless completely removed, will kill the person.



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