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ロシアで女学生たちが次々と行方不明に → ISの宣伝で参加しに行ってると判明 [151463772]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です:2015/07/25(土) 05:02:27.15 ID:ydi8z9pX0.net ?2BP(1000)

Russian students targeted as recruits by Islamic State

In the first two weeks of June, Varvara Karaulova, a 19-year-old Russian student at Moscow State University,
received more air time on Russian television than even President Vladimir Putin.
With no obvious Middle East connections other than the fact that she was studying Arabic,
Miss Karaulova made headline-grabbing news after she disappeared from the Russian capital and
was reported to be heading to Syria to join the Islamic State (IS) militant group.

Her story was closely followed by all of Russia's major media outlets until she was detained near the Turkey-Syria border,
flown back to Moscow and handed back to her relieved father, who had initiated the search for his daughter.
Thousands of Russian followers

Ms Karaulova's case is not unique. Two weeks after her return, Mariam Ismailova,
another young woman studying at a well-regarded university in Moscow, went missing amid suspicions that she was also on her way to join IS.
Several other students attending universities in large Russian cities are reported to have followed suit.
Their fate remains unknown but the considerable media interest in their stories has prompted
senior officials to start disclosing figures on just how many Russian nationals are believed to be fighting for IS.

Brought up in a Muslim family, Mariam Ismailova was attending university in Moscow
"Mum, I'm not coming back", Russian TV quoted Varvara Karaulova as saying as she left for Syria


40 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です:2015/07/25(土) 22:18:01.94 ID:wBFunkhPO.net

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