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BBC「フクシマ・ディザスター 核汚染ゴーストタウンからお送りします」 [581118988]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (アウアウ Sa19-dO6V):2015/09/06(日) 19:14:01.07 ID:oFLwiW8Ta.net ?2BP(7262)

Fukushima disaster: Rebirth for Japan's nuclear 'ghost town'

A Japanese town near the Fukushima nuclear plant has been declared safe from radiation and is inviting residents to return.

Naraha was evacuated four years ago after an earthquake and tsunami caused a meltdown in the nuclear reactors at Fukushima. All of the town's 7,400 residents moved out.

The BBC's Michael Bristow reports.


19 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (スプー Sda8-Wl1l):2015/09/06(日) 22:13:07.72 ID:xPkqxD2Td.net

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