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熊谷6人殺害のペルー人の兄貴、17人殺して懲役35年の服役中だった [965031448]

235 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 94ea-4IKu):2015/09/17(木) 12:16:36.09 ID:bex7d51R0.net ?2BP(5000)


Pedro Pablo Nakada Ludeña was born on February 28,
1973 in Lima, Peru. He was reportedly abused by his family from a young age.
His sister's would have him dress up as
woman and his father was an alcoholic who would abuse his mother.
He was also raped by his brothers after they thought that he had killed a dog.
Ludeña claimed to have tortured animals as a child.


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