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イギリスで一番カオスと言われている交差点がこちら これは酷すぎる ジャップ超えたわ [614796825]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 9be0-pCHO):2015/10/09(金) 21:44:32.10 ID:f8FU2U5X0●.net ?PLT(17667) ポイント特典


All FORTY-TWO traffic lights break down at Britain's most-chaotic junction - and guess what happens? The flow of cars IMPROVES

Car flow 'improved' when all 42 traffic lights went out at a chaotic junction
That was the claim from locals who said there was not a tailback in sight
Likely to leave council officials red-faced after they suggested new layout
The junction in Beverley, East Yorkshire, was dubbed the 'red light district'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3266133/All-FORTY-TWO-traffic-lights-break-Britain-s-chaotic-junction-guess-happens-flow-cars-IMPROVES.html#ixzz3o4f2sDgC
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