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[VIP931]:映画に登場する幻のポケモン「マギアナ」をご覧ください [244412737]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です(7段) (ワッチョイ 6826-DFGW):2016/02/11(木) 01:41:07.63 ID:cRJbJpHi0●.net ?2BP(1000)


The first image of the cover of CoroCoro has been released through a trailer. This cover includes the first silhouette of a brand new Pokémon.
This Pokémon is called Magiana (マギアナ). We'll bring images of it as soon as humanly possible so keep checking back. We'll bring more as it comes
Edit @ 13:20: First image of Magiana. Its classification is Man-Made Pokémon. No type has been revealed. Posses a metalic body,
text confirms it was 'made by human hands'. It was made over 500 years ago. Volcanion is chasing Magiana, only it knows Magiana's secret.
Edit @ 13:27: The movie is to be called Volcanion and the Contriving Magiana

ユベントスの1億ユーロの男はポケモン大好き!? 斬新すぎる髪型が話題に!
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