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【東欧】ポーランドのデジタル省、ロシアの脅威に根を上げる どんだけサイバー攻撃されてんだポリッシュ [351837767]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 60b4-w0Uz):2016/02/25(木) 22:33:04.30 ID:R12hUMob0.net ?2BP(2016)

Poland moves to unify cyber-security response and bolster its defences in the wake of Russian hybrid warfare against neighbouring Ukraine.

The Polish parliament has appointed the country's Ministry of Digital Affairs as the sole entity responsible for overseeing Poland's key personal data registers.
The law is part of broader efforts by the government to bolster the country's cyber-security policies and allocate its management to the Digitisation Ministry.


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