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米IBM、全従業員の3分の1を解雇か [537054231]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 1306-3hQm):2016/03/07(月) 05:59:27.32 ID:kFVgOZgo0.net ?2BP(1000)

IBM job cuts: US tech giant begins mass-firing one third of workforce

IBM has begun a widespread culling of its US workforce with an estimated one-third of staff facing the axe
according to those affected by the strategic shake-up of the technology company.

The job cuts, which are being described as "massive", come following IBM's announcement in January that
it would be laying-off staff at its Global Technology Services (GTS) department in the US.
Reports claim the axe has fallen on further departments as of Wednesday (2 March).

The news began to trickle out from the Facebook group of employee watchdog, WatchingIBM, with members posting their accounts of IBM's slash and burn policy.
"I am a GTS Strategic Outsourcing casualty of the mass firing today. My manager told me it was big and widespread,
and I'd be hearing from a lot of people that will also be notified today," said one user.

A soon-to-be-former IBM employee spoke to IEEE Spectrum about the situation: "It is bad, really bad. It's a mass lay-off today. It is a sad day for IBM.
People are being told not to talk about it. I was told by a manager in getting the news [of my job being eliminated], who was reading off of a script,
that one third of the US workforce is being 'rebalanced,' which is what they call it."

"Latest areas getting cut: AA IBM CMS Cloud Division; AMS Strategic Technical Services; Global Services Parts Operations;
GTS Strategic Outsourcing. Workers are also reporting work is being moved offshore to Hungary and Brazil," claimed another affected by the cuts.


41 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワントンキン MM67-ri+T):2016/03/07(月) 09:17:30.63 ID:u8IN57m6M.net

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