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嫌儲大本営本部なら太平洋戦争の日本軍をどうやって勝利に導くの [485245446]

516 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW e66a-4wno):2016/07/14(木) 03:34:45.21 ID:Z2wf0gYE0.net
> 戦前戦後最高のコメディアンの1人ボブ・ホープは弾が出ない銃を覗いて


Statistics for& Army on Leite indicate that almost half of all fatal wounds
were from small arms fire, and a little more than half of fatal small arms
wounds were from hits to the torso, with head wounds accounting for about 20% of fatalities. On the other hand,
the majority of nonfatal wounds were inflicted by shell or grenade fragments.


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