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ポケモンGOがメートル法を採用しているため、アメリカ人が「メートル」の概念を習得する マイル・メートル換算もお手のもの [243852199]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 170d-q+yF):2016/07/12(火) 13:16:26.42 ID:LCbQFdeL0?2BP(1000)

Video games often get a bad reputation: they keep kids inside, many of them are violent,
and there’s often no educational value.

But “Pokemon GO,” the hottest video game on the planet, is currently defying those expectations.
It’s getting people outside, they’re making connections, and it’s teaching clueless Americans how
many miles are in a kilometer.

The answer ? .62 miles per kilometer ? is a fact that every Pokemon trainer will now know thanks to
Pokemon eggs. The eggs only hatch once trainers walk a certain distance in the game: two kilometers
(~1.2 miles), five kilometers (~3.1 miles), or 10 kilometers (~6.2 miles).

Once you walk that distance, your Pokemon egg will hatch. The distance matters ? a 10 kilometer
egg will yield a more rare or impressive Pokemon than a two kilometer egg, for example.
(You can see a full breakdown of what’s inside each egg here.)


460 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW d3ee-oo3f):2016/07/13(水) 23:55:50.32 ID:Vro30RCI0.net

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