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クラクションに切れたスケボー少年、約2600万円の車のフロントガラスを破壊して逃亡 [754822482]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 13bd-N2Y5):2016/07/21(木) 14:50:35.41 ID:aSHUiH1j0?2BP(1000)

Hey, you little... McLaren driver takes off after teen skater who smashed windscreen of his $250,000 supercar with his board

Teenage skater is caught smashing the $250,000 (£190,000) car in Denver
Footage appears to show driver running stop sign when he was crossing
The McLaren's passenger is then seen chasing the teenager up the street
YouTube commenters split as to whether the teen or the driver was at fault



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