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whatsappとかいう糞appをインストールしようとしたら電話番号を要求されたから即効で削除したけど何が面白いの? [998357762]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です:2016/08/11(木) 11:39:04.06 ●

Which App Is More Secure: Telegram Or Whatsapp?

Fellow Hong Kong online media and security experts Jason Li and Lokman Tsui
have reopened an old evergreen debate that is not just popular here in Asia’s self-proclaimed “World City”, but also across the globe.

Which messenger is more secure and can be ? with good conscience ? recommended to activists?

My position: No application can totally fill the privacy and security needs of activists.
Anybody who wants to use a technology as a tool in their activism needs to understand how the technology works,
how it fits with their personal threat model and whether the risks the technology imposes are reasonable.

Suggesting a messenger for activists is very different from recommending one for general use. It is far easier to make a generalized and simplified recommendation to someone whose threat model does not include targeted surveillance, sophisticated hacking attempts or police custody in which officers threaten to use violence if passwords are not handed over.

For non-activist users, Whatsapp is probably a great choice. Without much explanation, chats, selfies and cat pictures are
protected from mass surveillance with proper end-to-end encryption, and harm from hackers is limited.

Whatsapp Has Only Very Recently Added Encryption


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