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ポッケが沢山ついたベスト着て外出たら快適すぎワロタ 夏のポッケ不足解消 君らも真似していいぞ [511393199]

1 :的井 圭一(オイコラミネオ MM9f-BA/L):2016/09/01(木) 14:31:31.85 ID:SDioPlIOM.net ?PLT(15100) ポイント特典
HOUSTON (KTRK) -- The Houston Police Officers Union is spearheading a campaign to buy special tactical vests capable of stopping rounds from rifles.

"It does seem extreme," said HPOU President Ray Hunt. "But we had an extreme situation when five police officers were gunned down by a sniper."

Hunt was referring to the July 7 shooting involving Dallas police officers during a demonstration in downtown Dallas.
A dozen officers were injured, five of them fatally.

"We did not anticipate that officers would start having targets on their backs for snipers with a high-powered rifle," said

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