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ジェイソン・ステイサムのセックス写真が流出!! [928663431]

1 :ポカリ男子 (ワッチョイW 33be-ay8O):2016/09/07(水) 16:57:26.26 ID:5RVV7yn60?2BP(2000)

The industry’s top cloud providers regularly cut their infrastructure rates in a bid to stay ahead of the competition. Last week, Google set the pace
by announcing a massive 33 percent reduction in the price its so-called Preemptive VMs,
which are geared towards low-priority workloads that don’t need to run continuously for an extended period of time.

What makes the instances better-suited for the task than the search giant’s
regular cloud machines is the fact that they’re provisioned on unused gear in its data centers.
Google reserves the right to reclaim the hardware whenever the need presents itself and in exchange makes Preemptive VMs available at a small fraction of the price of other machines. This week’s mark-down makes the series even cheaper,
which the Alphabet Inc. subsidiary hopes will make its platform more competitive against market leader AWS.


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