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去年9月ペルー人に妻(41)長女(10)次女(7)を一度に殺された男性、今も仕事には復帰できず家族の誕生日やクリスマスを独りで祝う日々/埼玉 [376884572]

22 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (スプッッ Sd28-j70e):2016/09/13(火) 01:46:50.00 ID:aa1ujKwMd.net
Japanese government is forbidding historians to explore the tombs of ancient emperors,
since the government want a great question to remain an enigma ― "whence did ancestors of
the emperor come?"

The answer of it may be very inconvenient to them, and the following is a reliable
imagined fact of ancient history of Japan and the imperial family;
there was the "Korean Conquest" in Japan (like as the Norman Conquest in Britain),
during which the first Emperor Jinmu came from Korea with his great cavalry, and
he conquered proto-Japanese tribes, therefore became the sole ruler of Japan.

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