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Huaweiのkirin960はGPUを超絶強化。他社ハイエンドを超える性能に [114092986]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ドコグロ MM87-glRo):2016/10/19(水) 17:29:37.13 ID:840sL63dM?2BP(1000)

Huawei’s Kirin 960 Is Official – Octa-core Processor With a Powerful ARM GPU Is All
Huawei’s Kirin 960 is officially here, which only means that the company’s Mate 9 will be just around the corner.
Kirin 960 packs quite a punch and will feature the most powerful mobile GPU the globe has ever come across.


Kirin 960 Has Powerful Internals That Will Easily Make Mate 9 Daydream Ready – Features the Most Powerful GPU Ever

While Snapdragon 653 was believed to be the first SoC to feature Cortex-A73 cores, it appears that Kirin 960 has
won that race and will take advantage of the powerful octa-core processor that will comprise up of 4 Cortex-A73 cores and 4 Cortex-A53 ones.
Not only is the processor’s capabilities going to be sufficient, but as stated two times earlier, Kirin 960 will also feature the most powerful GPU present in smartphones, the ARM Mali-G71.

The ARM Mali-G71 was detailed earlier to be up to 1.8 times as powerful as the Mali-T880 MP12 GPU. used in the Exynos 8890-powered Galaxy S7.
The Mali-G71 GPU also uses ARM’s brand new Bifrost architecture, which is claimed to offer high-end 4K and VR experiences. It is also compatible with Vulkan,
OpenGL ES 3.2, GPU Compute, and Android RenderScript. ARM Mali-G71 is said to be running at a base clock speed of 850MHz,
and the 16nm GPU can provide a throughput of 27.2Gpix/s, which is double than that of the Mali-T880 GPU running at the same frequency

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