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日本の学校が英語しか教えないのはなんで?中国語も教えていいと思うんだけど [533895477]

68 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (スップ Sdb8-YT5Q):2016/10/24(月) 12:08:44.72 ID:3ccSakU4d.net

Dutchmen, through his colonial policy, have lead hosts of primitive tribes in South-Africa and Indonesia
from barbarism to civilization, that is, they have brought literacy, modern medicine and the laws without
any torture nor bodily punishment, to barbaric Bantus and Malays; but it was totally different in case of
Japs, who invaded Korea and China.

Both victim nations of Japan imperialism were always far more advanced than Japan until the modern age.
In the ancient age, when Japs were running around with no clothes to hunt wild boars or to collect nuts
as daily food, they were wining and dining with spoon and chopsticks, moreover, China and Korea is to Japs
what a teacher is to a student, because from them, the ancient Japs had been borrowing almost all of the
essence of civilization, letters, art, architecture, metallurgy, government system and laws.


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