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トランプ氏の元ゴーストライター「彼が当選すれば報道の自由は無くなり、プーチンに学び、ニクソンのように敵リストを作る」 [382958299]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ fb91-mCm3):2016/10/27(木) 21:53:40.88 ID:dTVXoQ+D0?2BP(1500)

“On day one he would end a free press,” he said, speaking from Washington DC.
“In any way that he could, he would use the the government to shut down a free press,
and listen he has plenty of precedents for doing that, including his hero Vladimir Putin.”

He said he believed Mr Trump would then “conduct an ‘enemies’ campaign
that would make what Nixon did in the Sixties and early Seventies look like child’s play”.
He said and he would go after very person he felt had wronged him
in the the most “intense way” he felt he could get away with.


ゴーストライターとして「Trump: The Art of the Deal」(「トランプ自伝」)を執筆したシュワルツ氏

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