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トランプが勝利したのはFacebookなどのSNSでのデマのおかげという認識が広がる デマに注意して下さい [469534301]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ササクッテロル Spe7-tNnB):2016/11/15(火) 12:27:46.64 ID:+TY2XNs1p?2BP(1001)

John Oliver: Donald Trump Won Because of 'Fake Facts'
He cited a study claiming that 44% of Americans get news via Facebook,
with Oliver pointing out the extent of misinformation being spread on social media platforms in general.

Fortune‘s Mathew Ingram recently wrote about the massive spread of hoaxes and misinformation on Facebook and how completely or mostly
false news stories were shared on Facebook to such an extent in recent
months that the social media platform is now taking heat for unfairly influencing the election results.




23 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW 138d-wOPQ):2016/11/15(火) 13:09:55.37 ID:hmQOc70A0.net

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