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アベノミクスの理論的支柱、浜田宏一 アベノミクスが間違いだったことを認める

168 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 4701-MWp0):2016/11/25(金) 10:10:27.13 ID:osvF3wtS0.net


The answer to this question should be mostly clear from the previous section’s discussion.
Reductions in interest rates can stimulate demand only if they are accompanied
by effective fiscal expansion. For example, if interest rates are pushed into
negative territory, and the resources extracted from the banking system and savers
by the negative rates are simply allowed to feed through the budget into reduced
nominal deficits, with no anticipated tax cuts or expenditure increases, the negative
rates create deflationary, not inflationary, pressure.

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