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任天堂 ガチで終わる ゼルダ最新作 週間一位獲得ならず 時代はグラフィック重視へ [876811395]

100 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 8165-BJNc):2017/03/07(火) 02:54:57.57 ID:2m0MD7v50.net


Speaking to retailers this morning, Nintendo Switch has sold around 80,000 units
in the UK during its opening weekend.
It's not as high as 3DS' debut, which was 113,000 according to Nintendo.
Nor does it come close to the PS4 launch (250,000)
or the Xbox One launch (150,000).

PS4 25万
XboxONE 15万
3DS 11万
スイッチ 8万

総レス数 176
41 KB

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