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日本政府、人道的配慮として韓国から6万人の避難民を受け入れる方針を発表 [902666507]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (アウアウウーT Sa8b-wbAm):2017/04/15(土) 10:30:02.24 ID:hOf+RFoVa?2BP(1000)

US-North Korea tensions: Japan discussing evacuation plan for citizens in South Korea

Japan's National Security Council (NSC) has discussed how to evacuate its nearly 60,000 citizens from South Korea
in the event of a crisis, amid rising concern over North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

Besides commercial ships and planes, Japan would want to send military aircraft and ships to evacuate its citizens
if the South Korean Government agreed, an official said.


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