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フィリピンのイスラム国勢力、300人体勢で学校を襲撃し占拠 [469534301]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2017/06/21(水) 12:24:24.27 ID:TxVsXTb10.net ?2BP(1001)

ISIS militants stormed a town and occupied a school in the southern Philippines on Wednesday.

Members of the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) overran the town of Pigcawayan, taking over the school in the process.

As part of the land-grab the ISIS-sympathisers took several hostages from the school as a gun battle raged between the BIFF and government forces.

A police report said about 300 armed men took part in the shock raid on the school compound.

An unknown number of residents have reportedly been trapped and taken hostage, according to local police.

Pigcawayan is 120 miles south of Marawi City where BIFF militants and ISIS jihadis have been holed up and fighting the Philippines military for more than a month.

30 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2017/06/22(木) 01:00:26.67 ID:4l5tAUE6a.net

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