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軍幹部と会合後のトランプ「今は嵐の前の静けさだ」 記者「嵐ってなんのことですか?」 トランプ「もうすぐ分かる」 [799215407]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :NG NG ?PLT(12345).net

Trump: This is the calm before the storm

US President Donald Trump has said it is the "calm before the storm" as he met military leaders, without giving further details.

The cryptic comments came hours after reports he was planning to withhold support for the Iran nuclear deal.

But the "storm" could also refer to heightened tensions with North Korea.

He had earlier told his top defence officials he expected them to provide
"a broad range of military options... at a much faster pace" in future.

Mr Trump, posing with his wife Melania, as well as military leaders and their wives ahead of a White House dinner following Thursday's meetings,
asked the waiting press if they knew "what this represents".

"Maybe it's the calm before the storm," he said.

But when the waiting journalists pressed him on what storm he was referring to, he would only say: "You'll find out."


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