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【悲報】トヨタさんも神戸製鋼のアルミを大量に使ってしまう スバルさんやマツダさんと共に超大規模リコール祭りへと発展 ★3 [288779715]

857 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2017/10/09(月) 21:40:50.05 ID:qyB3PHRDx.net
Kobe Steel fabricated data for aluminum, copper products

Major Japanese steelmaker Kobe Steel said it
has systematically fabricated inspection data for aluminium and copper products that
may have gone to around 200 clients, reportedly including Toyota.
The admission is the latest in a string of quality control and governance scandals that
have hit major Japanese businesses in recent years undermining the country's reputation for quality.

Automaker Nissan announced a recall of more than a million vehicles after admitting that
workers without proper certification routinely conducted the final inspections for new vehicles to be sold in the domestic market.
Airbag maker Takata went bankrupt after its defective products were linked to 16 deaths and scores of injuries worldwide.
Electronics-engineering conglomerate Toshiba had to sell its prized memory chip unit as it attempted to recover from multi-billion-dollar losses at its US nuclear operation Westinghouse Electric.

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