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Xperiaのベゼルレスサイズが明らかに 5年前の機種と較べ横幅を6mmも削ることに成功! [775841453]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2018/02/12(月) 12:24:06.61 ID:fY/WulqHd.net ?2BP(1001)
The FCC documents do reveal that this new Xperia device has a 5-inch display in as chassis with dimensions of 135 x 65mm.
So if this is true, it looks like it will have much slimmer top and bottom bezels compared to previous handsets.

In fact, one previous handset has already come very close to these dimensions.
The device in question is the Xperia UL, Sony Mobile Japan’s exclusive of 2013, which managed a 5-inch FHD display with dimensions of 135 x 71mm.
So the new device has the same height as the Xperia UL, but will manage to shave a further 3mm on either side of the display. We’ll bring you more news as we have it.


135mm × 71mm5インチ端末のXperiaUL(2013)

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