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Let's ROCK54 all copy sites!

1 :Cipher Simian ★ :2018/07/12(木) 00:18:58.50 ID:CAP_USER9.net
Hello Kenmo,

I want to ROCK54 all websites and matome blogs that are linking to SC as their primary source.
Can you help me make a list of websites and matome blogs that are linking to SC?

This Friday the 13th, I will check the list that you make.
This Friday the 13th, if the websites on your list are linking to SC, then I will *permanently* add them to the ROCK54 list.
This Friday the 13th, if the websites on your list are linking to 5ch.net, then I will *not* add them to the ROCK54 list.

As an example, I have already added the "netgeek" website to the ROCK54 list.

Thanks a lot!

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