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【画像】 女教師(22)「裸でかくれんぼしよう」 17歳男子学生にわいせつ画像を送りつけ逮捕 [402581721]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2019/02/09(土) 09:30:26.33 ID:woR9jy6z0●.net ?PLT(14001)
Teacher ‘sent boy nudes and asked if he wanted to play “naked hide and seek”‘

A teacher sent nude photos to a 17-year-old student on Snapchat and asking if he wanted to play ‘naked hide and seek’ police say.
Kelsie Schmidt, 22, allegedly sent the X-rated pictures to a student at Beulah High School, where she taught math, in North Dakota.
According to court documents, Schmidt was arrested on January 23 after a student told a detective ‘that he could get the math teacher in trouble for pictures that she had sent him.’
The officer was interviewing the student in response to reports that a teacher had been sending nude photos on Snapchat.
According to police, Schmidt sent three to four photos to the student. One was reportedly a picture of the teacher, naked from the waist up, with her hair partly covering her breasts.
Another photo was allegedly of the teacher’s legs with the message ‘get a group and play naked hide and seek,’ according to the Dickinson Press.
Beulah Public School District Superintendent Travis Jordan said the school is investigating the incident and Schmidt has been placed on administrative leave in the interim.
He said it was Schmidt’s first year teaching at the high school


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