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B737MAXが開示 「失速中。加速のため機首を下げます」パイロット「おいやめろ!機首が上がらんちくしょうアッラーフアクバル!」 [294427461]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2019/03/21(木) 15:30:34.18 ID:KZTDiHsY0.net ?2BP(1000)
For the next nine minutes, the jet warned pilots it was in a stall and pushed the nose down in response, the report showed.

A stall is when the airflow over a plane's wings is too weak to generate lift and keep it flying.

The captain fought to climb, but the computer, still incorrectly sensing a stall, continued to push the nose down using the plane's trim system.

Normally, trim adjusts an aircraft's control surfaces to ensure it flies straight and level.

"They didn't seem to know the trim was moving down," the third source said. "They thought only about airspeed and altitude. That was the only thing they talked about."

The Indian-born captain was silent at the end, all three sources said, while the Indonesian first officer said "Allahu Akbar",
or "God is greatest", a common Arabic phrase in the majority-Muslim country that can be used to express excitement, shock, praise or distress.


257 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2019/03/24(日) 13:38:13.51 ID:KsTIdqhg0.net

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