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Ancol covers nude mermaid statues
The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Sat, March 23 2019 / 12:39 am



Cover up: A mermaid statue is seen with a golden cloth draped around its breasts at Ancol, North Jakarta, on Friday.(JP/Dhoni Setiawan)
Two mermaid statues at the Putri Duyung resort in Ancol Dreamland Park are no longer topless after the park operator decided last year that the artworks, which had been there for decades, were incompatible with “eastern norms”.
Gold torso wraps, locally known as kemben, now cover the upper body of the big mermaid statue near the lobby, and a smaller one near the entrance.
The move has baffled some people who found the statues innocuous and raised the question whether the park operator had been pressured by conservative groups.
Ancol management, however, dismissed such claims, saying it had made its own decision with the intention of “beautifying” the statues. “We covered them last year. Our objective, other than beautifying them, was to adjust t...

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