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大麻反対派「大麻合法化したい人は必ず『海外では合法だから日本も』って言う。そういう人って必ず大麻やっている。だから説得力がない」 [441660812]

145 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2019/05/27(月) 12:26:19.53 ID:snFD56f40.net
The first study found that crashes are up as much as 6% in Washington, Oregon and Colorado,
compared with neighboring states that haven't legalized recreational use of weed.
Researchers estimated the frequency of collision claims per insured vehicle year,
controlling for differences in other factors that could contribute to an accident, including age, location, job status and weather, and still saw an increase.

The second study looked at the number of police-reported accidents before and after the legalization of recreational use of weed.
The findings were similar: a 5.2% increase in crash rates after legalization than before weed was legal in those states.


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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★