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外国人姉さん「東京は世界一安全な都市ですよ。そう、男にとってはね」 [358195575]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2019/09/07(土) 13:20:58.72 ID:yF/DvHYB0.net ?PLT(13302)
Tokyo is the safest city in the world – for the third time running

I know so many people (myself included) who had their wallet stolen and it wasn’t actually reported as a theft
so I can see how Japan is THEORETICALLY the safest lol

I do agree with you just saying there is probably no place in the world where no crime ever happened.
The thing that bother me the most about Japan unreported crimes is tapes and child abuae....


Our Marketing manager from India in Japan for only 10 days gets her first shock,
traumatizing for her on her way walking back to temporary residence hotel.
She encountered a 'dashidashi-man' who flashed his genitals then followed her for 2-3 minutes.
She found refuge in a 7-11.

It’s always men that say Tokyo/Japan is so safe lmao. Yeah it’s safe for YOU

9 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2019/09/07(土) 13:42:00.16 ID:39iuZg0w0.net

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