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ルフトヴァッフェ壊滅へ パイロットが絶望的に足りない [158879285]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2019/09/22(日) 23:37:32.12 ID:4Mw7XoKK0.net ?PLT(16151)
German Air Force short on pilots, not planes
By Volker Witting | 04.09.2019

Germany's military has long struggled with a shortage of functioning equipment.
At the Laage Air Base near Rostock, however, it's not the planes that are hard to come by, but the pilots, as DW's Volker Witting reports.

Just minutes apart, three Eurofighter aircraft thunder down the runway outside the northeastern city of Rostock and rise up into the skies with a deafening roar.
It's business as usual at the Laage Air Base, where Eurofighters take off up to 20 times a day on practice flights, and to secure German airspace.

The facility, situated at the Laage-Rostock airport, is the German Air Force's showcase location.
It is where the Steinhoff air force squadron trains its Eurofighter pilots. After basic flight training abroad, practical experience is put to the test in the air and on the ground at the base.

Operational fighter planes, no pilots
Jan Gloystein, deputy wing commander of the Steinhoff squadron, is proud of "his" air base, but he has a serious problem: "I don't have enough pilots." Currently he has 23, but he needs 20 more, he says.
The German Air Force simply has too few applicants, he adds.


26 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2019/09/24(火) 02:52:23.77 ID:dLCKsYbj0.net


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