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CNN「日本のセックスワーカーに危機、他の仕事も危機の最中では見つかりません」 お前らミカさん指名してやれよ [399259198]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (アウアウウー Sa1b-Sl24):2020/04/20(月) 16:06:14 ?2BP ID:UMiFIxYna●.net
Mika is worried. As a sex worker in Japan, she used to see three or four clients a day -- then the coronavirus pandemic hit.
Now, with people staying home and avoiding close contact, she's out of clients and out of money.
With no savings or other sources of income, Mika says she is living off borrowed money. She has tried to find other jobs, but nobody's hiring in the middle of an economic crisis.
At this rate, she might not be able to pay rent or afford basic necessities, let alone pay off the debt she has recently taken on.
"I'm worried if I will have a place to live or if I can find a job to get money to live," she said, using a pseudonym to protect her privacy. "I worry about (my health) of course, but now I worry more about how to survive."

Sex workers across Japan have been hit hard by closures and restrictions due to the pandemic.
The entire country is under a state of emergency, with many businesses ordered to shutter and people advised not to go out.

「住む場所があるか、お金を稼ぐための仕事が見つかるか心配だ」と偽名を使ってプライバシーを保護した。 「私はもちろん(自分の健康)を心配していますが、今は生き残る方法についてもっと心配しています。」



18 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 1f05-AOao):2020/04/20(月) 18:29:06 ID:c/QaJtPJ0.net

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