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【悲報】イソジン吉村🦛、ブルームバーグが世界に発信!🤣 ★2 [579392623]

401 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2020/08/04(火) 21:03:54.37 ID:DWqBUpLK0.net



tchuckss 3 points35 minutes ago

Lol. Just lol. Sure, it may help with symptoms related to your throat.
It will do fuck all to combat covid in the rest of your body.
I had hopes for Yoshimura since he had been pushing for Abe to declare an emergency, going as far as threaten to do it himself if Abe didn't move.
And then when he created the very sensible, at the time, Osaka model.
But this? Peddling unproven cures? Absolutely pathetic. My own fault for believing a politician could be different.

satsugene 2 point 11 minutes ago

If it killed virus on the surface of the skin in the throat and maybe even the post-nasal area,
a local swab might present different results, just like if they were swabbed 5 minutes after gargling and/or
swallowing 151 proof ethanol (slightly more alcohol than most hand sanitizers)...
but I can't imagine that would be very long lasting or do much to reduce internal viral activity or reduce transmissibility.

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