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【悲報】EU公式「5230万回分のワクチンが日本にすでに出荷済みです」⇒河野太郎大臣「数字が違います。確認する」音沙汰なし★12 [319198963]

6 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2021/04/29(木) 06:08:46.60 ID:HMZJpLWU0.net ?2BP(1000)

The European Union’s vaccine production capacity has been keeping the global rollout of shots going, while it deals with an uneven campaign at home that’s casting doubt over the timing of reopening in some member states.

The EU authorized the export of 136.1 million doses to 43 countries between Jan. 31 and April 19, according to an internal memo seen by Bloomberg. Around 52.3 million were shipped to Japan, 16.2 million to the U.K. and 12.8 million to Canada, according to the document, which was circulated to government envoys in Brussels on Wednesday.




The health ministry has so far approved only the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, leaving Japan dependent on imports from theEU until the AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccines are given the green light, possibly next month.

As of 23 April, just over 1.74 million frontline medical staff had received their first dose, with 878,000 fully vaccinated. About 74,000 people aged 65 and over had been given their first jab as of Sunday, according to the Prime Minister’s Office.

Japan’s cautious approach was in place long before export bottlenecks appeared, and reports have cast doubt on claims that supply issues are behind the lag.

On Monday, Bloomberg said the EU had exported 52.3m doses to Japan between 30 January and 19 April.

An EU source in Tokyo confirmed the figures were correct.

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