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イギリスの美人陸上選手、10000mに出場するも脱水症状で廃人化 メディア「気温32度超、湿度80%。日本は異常だよ」 [452836546]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2021/08/08(日) 01:56:35.66 ID:Trm7NROZ0.net ?PLT(15072)
Britain's Jessica Judd COLLAPSES after finishing 17th in grueling Olympic 10,000m final in 90F heat with 80% humidity and is helped by team-mate Eilish McColgan (daughter of medal-winning legend Liz)

・The Olympic 10,000m race was held in 90F heat and 80 per cent humidity
・British runner Jessica Judd was left sprawled on the track after finishing race
・She was left begging with medical officials with some water to rehydrate
・Her British team-mate Eilish McColgan finally brought her a bottle
・McColgan is the daughter of former 10,000m world champion Liz McColgan
・Judd recovered after rehydrating but four runners were unable to finish race
・Race winner Sifan Hassan was unable to celebrate as she too begged for water
・Find out the latest Tokyo Olympic news including schedule, medal table and results right here


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